Monday, December 20, 2010

In the Christmas Spirit

Hello Friends!

As Christmas time is approaching I have absolutely loved how I have been able to play Christmas music at most of my appearances, which really puts me in the spirit! I cannot believe how fast the time is flying before Miss America; it definitely feels like there are not enough hours in the day to fit in everything!! Nonetheless, I have been blessed to participate in many great appearances including some of the highlights below starting in the City of…

I began the morning at Bethlehem Academy, my mother’s high school alma mater, speaking to over 300 students from 7th-12th grade. From there, I went to the Faribault Rotary to perform and speak about my platform and how it ties in so well with the Children’s Miracle Network. After sharing stories about families who have overcome adversity, I had a great conversation with a member from the rotary about people who have inspired them. It really made the afternoon so meaningful. However, to top off the day, I was able to spend it with my grandparents, who I don’t see often enough, at their assisted living facility where everyone joined together to throw a party for me! Check out the beautiful cake they had made for me. It says, "Welcome Kathryn Knuttila, Miss Minnesota!" They let me perform and speak for over an hour. Plus, they asked some great questions, which always helps for interview preparation! It was an awesome day!

On to the City of…

The very next day I drove up to Frazee where I was the honorary guest for a Christmas Gala! It was the most beautiful night! They had decorated the Event Center so attractively with lights and trees, and they even built a stage for the grand piano they rented! I put on a concert for everyone and invited some inspiring talent to join me, so it was similar to my Night of Inspiration Concerts. This time, however, the concert served as a fundraiser for Sacred Heart Catholic Church where I am still the music director. Being close to home in so many ways from the physical location to the people attending, this event was so moving for me. I sold over 60 cds that night and had people offer wonderful words of support and encouragement! I am truly blessed to have such supportive people in my life who really believe in me! Now, to the City of…

Detroit Lakes
The next night I had a similar event at Holy Rosary Church where I gave another concert and spoke about my platform. Once again, I was overwhelmed by the support, which comes at a perfect time with the Miss America just a few weeks away. The church members prayed a blessing over me to allow my heart and mind to be at complete peace while I am at Miss America. This was such a great reminder for me that when I am on that stage and in the interview, I am there for them…it is not about me; it’s about all of these wonderful people who believe I can be a fantastic Miss America. If I start to feel nervous or overwhelmed, I just need to close my eyes and remember all of the people rooting for me…a sure recipe to push me to persevere! Next up, the City of…

Yet another fun Christmas Gala night! This event presented a new audience of people for me, which means I had the opportunity to educate on how awesome the Miss America Organization is! Lately, I have been able to showcase the unique aspect of MAO through the talent portion by sharing my gifts and talents at all these events! At last, we’re back to the City of…

St. Paul

I had two other really fun events this past week. One was selling cds in the St. Paul Skyway in front of ProActive Chiropractic, my new favorite place, where I have been getting help to realign my back! They have been so gracious to fit me in any time I stop by so they offered to have an event for me where I sold cds and did a meet and greet with people walking by. The other event was a Christmas Party at a beautiful home of a gracious host. She invited me to be the guest performer to entertain her guests and I had an opportunity to again share about my platform, CMN, and what the job of Miss Minnesota entails. I love the positive feedback that everyone gives when they understand what Miss America offers young women and they can see the benefits through me!

After all of these great Christmas events, I am ready to have some good old Christmas joy with my own family who I am heading to see in just a couple of days. But, before I go…I have to give you the update on my CD sales because I have some exciting news!! With the deadline for the Children's Miracle Network fundraiser fast approaching (December 30th!), I have made a big push for cd sales this month, and….drum roll please…I have sold out!! This means I have raised $10,000 for CMN in CD sales alone (which doesn’t include all of the donations that have come in through the concerts and other generous donors)!! Now, if you haven’t purchased your CD yet, not to worry…a new order has been placed!! Many thanks to everyone who has bought a CD! I hope it has brought you much joy and peace when you listen to it!

Well that was a lot to share in only two weeks time! And, now Christmas is just days away with my sendoff parties following right after! What a great season this is! Happy Holidays to you and I hope you will be able to enjoy them with family!

Kathryn Knuttila
Miss Minnesota 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

One Month to Go!

It has been a while since I last blogged! I can’t quite believe I leave for Miss America in one month! I have dreamt about the possibility of competing for Miss America ever since I can remember, but now that it is becoming a reality; it’s hard to believe!

I have had some great appearances during the past week or two, but the majority of my time (as you can imagine with Miss America being only a month away!) has been spent preparing for Miss America with mock interviews, performances, practices with talent and walk, fittings, shopping, and the list goes on. It’s amazing to think how much goes into 14 days at Miss America! One of the ways I have found most beneficial in preparing is to seek as many “real” opportunities as possible…everything from talent, to community service, to speaking…the more my skills are tested in the public, the more confident and comfortable I become. This has been something I have practiced and learned to be true over four years of competing, so if you’re a competitor looking to improve don’t be shy about seeking opportunities for yourself.

Speaking of opportunities, I recently performed the National Anthem for the Women’s Gopher Game. I had a lot of fun writing my own arrangement of the National Anthem, and hope I can do it again! It’s not often that the National Anthem is just played on piano with no vocal accompaniment, but it sounded really cool!

I also had the opportunity to improve my bowling skills…not that this will help me for Miss America, but it might come in handy some day! For those who know me, you know I am not the best bowler whatsoever! But, this Sunday presented the chance to be a part of the Bowlathon Fundraiser for Gillette where I was honored to be a part of Team Davis. Emily Davis was an inspiring American we recognized at the Maplewood Night of Inspiration Concert. is an incredible trouper and her family is not only so supportive of her, but also a lot of fun! Lucky for me, Emily must have sent a little luck my way because I bowled a 132! (Now remember, for me that is really good so no making fun if that seems low! We all have our own gifts!) With over 20 teams participating in the event, I know it was a success for Gillette and a very fun night for us all!

I also put my stage skills to test at the “Night of Inspiration” concert in Coon Rapids this past Saturday night. As always, we left inspired by individuals who have overcome such adversity with the most positive attitudes. I am so thankful for those who took the time to nominate the individuals who have made a difference in their life so more people can be positively impacted by these inspirational men and women. The stories will be posted on very soon, which I am working on updating it, so check it out to read some of the inspiring stories that will be posted soon! We also highlighted talent from a previous Miss Coon Rapids and Miss Minnesota as well as some local talent. I must say, I think we found a future Miss Minnesota—she is an 11 year old dancer, Miranda, who impressed us all with her technique and grace! It is so much fun to witness all the incredible talent and humbling stories of the people of Minnesota!

It’s hard to believe but this was the last pre-Miss America concert!! If I am honored with the job of Miss America, I look forward to continuing the Community Concert tour across our great Nation, but if I return as Miss Minnesota, no doubt we will continue the tour across our great state of MN!

Although the concerts are on hold for awhile now, the website nominations are not! We are still looking for your Inspiring American’s story! If you haven’t nominated them yet, now is the time to do it! With Christmas just around the corner, this is your opportunity to bless someone letting them know how much of a difference they are really making. All nominated individuals will receive a certificate recognizing them as an Inspiring American--what an awesome surprise you could give someone in the mailbox, in the midst of bills and other junk mail, to receive a personalized certificate honoring them for their inspirational ways! To honor the unsung heroes and the person who has made a difference in your life, just click here!

Speaking of Christmas, don’t forget to order a copy of my original piano CD entitled, “Blessed Beyond Measure,” featuring 12 compositions featuring one with violin. It makes an awesome Christmas present for the listener and for CMN with all proceeds directly benefiting the local hospital! I have diligently raised funds for this inspiring cause and am so close to my goal! The CD is only $10, and can be ordered at Help me make a difference in the lives of the families that are treated at Gillette Children’s Hospital. Please share with your friends and family and give the gift of music!

Have a beautiful Christmas season!
Kathryn Knuttila
Miss Minnesota 2010