Tonight is my last official night of being Miss Minnesota. All week long I have been asked "How do you feel?" My response, "it depends on the hour!" One hour I feel strong and excited for the next Miss Minnesota and the journey she is about to embark on, and the next I feel so sad because I don't want it to end!
This week of competition for the contestants has been truly incredible. This group of ladies is outstanding and so sweet! I am so proud of each representative and how well they have all done so far. This has been a group that has really come together helping one another with hair and make-up, but also with really connecting through heartfelt conversations.
I just cannot believe it has been a year since I competed for Miss Minnesota 2010! My year flew by! As Miss Minnesota, I have accomplished so many of my goals and I truly hope I have made you proud as your representative. I wanted to give you a bit of insight into the paperwork I submitted last year when competing, which asked the question about the legacy I wished to leave if chosen as Miss Minnesota 2010. I wrote,
"Every one of us is unique and bears an intangible quality and unmatched story that has the potential to inspire a multitude. Through the confidence and strength I’ve gained from my service work for the MAO and countless Inspiring Americans, I’ve learned to use both my gifts and my life challenges to benefit others. As Miss Minnesota 2010, I hope I’m remembered for inspiring others to look beyond seemingly impossible circumstances to build inner strength to stand strong with hope and purpose. To establish such a powerful network of inspiration would be a great legacy to pass on."
Throughout this year with my Night of Inspiration Concerts, fundraising for CMNH, school visits, and media interviews, I have met countless inspiring individuals. It was those people and their inspiring stories, as well as my God-given gift of music, that fueled me to continue working diligently to hopefully inspire others. I cannot express in words how grateful and thankful I am for this experience, for this chance to make a difference and for the love and support of so many. You reading this, supporting me, means the world to me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I will never forget what one of the State Board Members said to the 2010 contestants last year. The judges aren't picking a winner out of a group of representatives, but a representative out of a group of winners. I wish the next Miss Minnesota the absolute best and encourage her to remember the 3 G's: be Gracious, be Genuine, and be a Gift to others. Thank you for being my gift this year.
God bless you all,
Kathryn Knuttila
Miss Minnesota 2010